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Upcoming Events
- Mon, Mar 24Jefferson County Sheriff Training CenterThe Advanced School Resource Officer Course is designed for any law enforcement officer working in an educational environment. This course, following the SRO Triad model, advances the SRO’s knowledge and skills as a law enforcement officer, informal counselor, and educator.
- Mon, Mar 24Jefferson County Training CenterProgram designed to equip officers and detectives with the skills and techniques necessary to conduct effective interviews in criminal investigations.
- Mon, Mar 31Lee County Meeting CenterA must-have course for those teaching at Academies or within their agencies. This seminar is for the trainer to learn what is involved in developing and presenting a class.
- Tue, Apr 01FultondaleAdvanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) Training offers additional information to law enforcement officers on detecting impairment caused by more than just alcohol.
- Thu, Apr 03FultondaleThis free course is designed to teach officers about cues which may emerge when contacting a driver impaired by Central Nervous System Stimulants or Narcotic Analgesics. Both drug categories and their combination are frequently observed in drugged driving cases in Alabama.
- Multiple DatesMon, Apr 14Jefferson County Sheriff Training CenterCrisis Intervention Teams Training is an international training program. NAMI and CIT International support this training. Instructors include those from law enforcement as well as mental health providers.
- Thu, May 08Jefferson County Sheriff Training CenterThis course will teach you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.
- Multiple DatesTue, Jun 03Jefferson County Sheriff Training CenterCourse designed to help participants navigate the challenges of domestic violence crime, prosecute offenders, and help the victims stay safe.
- Multiple DatesMon, Jun 09Jefferson County Sheriff Training CenterCrisis Intervention Teams Training is an international training program. NAMI and CIT International support this training. Instructors include those from law enforcement as well as mental health providers.
- Multiple DatesWed, Jul 23Jefferson County Sheriff Training CenterCrisis Intervention Teams Training is an international training program. This training is supported by NAMI and CIT International. Instructors include those from law enforcement as well as mental health providers. This is the 16-hour overview course.
- Mon, Aug 04FultondaleThis course will arm you with the necessary skills to conduct a thorough traffic crash investigation and properly document your findings for courtroom presentation.
- Multiple DatesTue, Sep 09Jefferson County Sheriff Training CenterCourse designed to help participants navigate the challenges of domestic violence crime, prosecute offenders, and help the victims stay safe.
- Tue, Sep 09FultondaleAdvanced Roadside Impaired Driving Enforcement (ARIDE) Training offers additional information to law enforcement officers on detecting impairment caused by more than just alcohol.
- Thu, Sep 11FultondaleThis free course is designed to teach officers about cues which may emerge when contacting a driver impaired by Central Nervous System Stimulants or Narcotic Analgesics. Both drug categories and their combination are frequently observed in drugged driving cases in Alabama.
- Mon, Sep 22Jefferson County Sheriff Training CenterFREE TRAINING. This course will give you the knowledge and skills to develop and conduct successful information-gathering for criminal investigations.
- Multiple DatesMon, Sep 22Jefferson County Sheriff Training CenterCrisis Intervention Teams Training is an international training program. This training is supported by NAMI and CIT International. Instructors include those from law enforcement as well as mental health providers. This is the 16-hour overview course.
- Multiple DatesTue, Oct 28Jefferson County Sheriff Training CenterCrisis Intervention Teams Training is an international training program. This training is supported by NAMI and CIT International. Instructors include those from law enforcement as well as mental health providers. This is the 16-hour overview course.
- Multiple DatesMon, Nov 17Jefferson County Sheriff Training CenterCrisis Intervention Teams Training is an international training program. NAMI and CIT International support this training. Instructors include those from law enforcement as well as mental health providers.
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